Company Members
[ Company Staff ] [ Core Members ] [ General Members ] [ Emeritus Members ] [ Supporting Members ]
Company Staff
Company Staff hold their positions throughout the year: managing the daily business of Merlyn Productions, and supporting its artistic mission in non-performance areas of the theatre. Production Staff who commit to their positions on a seasonal basis are also incorporated herein.
Kaitlin KlassenCOMPANY
Steph BlanchettePROPERTY
Heather Forgie
Core Members
Core Members form the current nucleus of Merlyn Productions. Persons that have established their presence within the company with multiple credits as cast, staff, or theatre school instructors in recent seasons are listed herein.
Al Shpeller
Alison Kolisnyk
Ardyth Johnson
Bess Tapalla
Brian Dougherty
Chrystal Veroba
Cora Fast
Dakota Nickels
Dean Duncan
Faith Marcial
Heather Forgie
Helmut Friedrich
Hope Figueroa
Isaiah Sudlow
Jenn Taplin
Jensen Glover
John Chase
Jordan Hrynkiw
Jordan Phillips
Kaitlin Klassen
Ken Stone
Kendra Bauer
Kevin Hamill
Leila Marston
Lexie Dubois
Mitch Krohn
Rachel Hiebert
Robert Hewitt King
Sandy Marie
Steph Blanchette
Tim Sayeau
Wendy Hrynkiw
Xiam Webster
Core Members: 33
General Members
General Members are full members of Merlyn Productions in current standing. Persons that have been formally credited as cast, staff, or theatre school instructors in recent seasons are listed herein.
Adam Jennings
Ariel Leo
Avery Wolchuk
Basia Zaleska
Brent Bruchanski
Brooke Munford
Camilla Opida
Cara Robinson
Chantal Best
Chantelle Dubois
Chloe Crockford
Colin Block
Debbie Dann
Devon Littlejohn
Donny Baxter
Erin-Brie Warwick
Ethan Lapkin
Ezra Enns
Filip Petrovski
Jennifer Dubois
Ken Woodley
Kim Kakegamic
Krissadie Armstrong
Kylee Kolesar
Laura Chan
Laurel Fife
Liam Greyeyes
Linda McNeill
Maddie Dubois
Manella Vila Nova
Molly Helmer
Philip Paley
Rachel Coll
Sheycee Edel
Tanner Lysack
Tim Webster
Ximon Webster
General Members: 37
Emeritus Members
Emeritus Members continue to be honorarily recognised as members of Merlyn Productions for past services rendered. Members that have not held a credited role or position for more than two full seasons are typically reassigned herein.
- Alicia Moore
- Anika Dowsett
- Anna Woodward
- Ben McMahon
- Boris Jovanovic
- Claire Boothe
- Crystal Hyde
- Erica Wilson
- Ev Darrach
- Evelyn Carruthers
- Hannah Doerksen
- Harmony Light
- Hudson Thiessen
- Ian Peters
- Jazmyn Shell
- Jesse Boulet
- John David Gordon
- Judy Arnason
- Justin Rempel
- Kai Jolley
- Kirsten Wattis
- Kris Diaz
- Laurie Duncan
- Matthew Stefanson
- Megan Wilson
- Mylène Chicoine
- Natalie Fitkowsky
- Nicholas Curry
- Rachell Hodgins
- Reba Terlson
- Ryan Offenloch
- Sam Kowaluk
- Scott Austin
- Tim Beaudry
- Tom E. Young
- Tom Pachal
- Vanessa Mancini
- Vic Unruh
- Yvonne Grenier
Emeritus Members: 39
Supporting Members
Supporting Members have supported Merlyn Productions in crew positions or supernumerary roles. Persons that have been formally credited as such in recent seasons are listed herein.
- Daniela Petrovski
- Greg Strempler
- Kathleen Armstrong
- Melanie Koroluk
- Sarah Lamoureux
- Sarah Simpson-Yellowquill
Supporting Members: 6